Happy New Year!

Out with the Old

Good-bye, 2020. I’m sorry to say, there are many who won’t miss you. You brought a lot of sickness, death, discontent, destruction, disappointment, loneliness, anxiety and unrest upon us – individually, nationally and globally. Oh, I’m sure you didn’t mean to, but those are the facts. You were a “dumpster fire” of a year. So much went wrong… and that’s what many of us have chosen to focus on…

My dear sister, as you leave behind 2020, I invite you to change your perspective. Take off the glasses that cause you to dwell on everything that went wrong. Instead, deliberately choose a positive perspective. Focus on what went right, what you can build on this next year.

Personally, I can choose what to dwell on:
a friend’s betrayal
lessons learned from that friend

friendships that ended
growth that occurred while the friendships were healthy

Mother’s declining health
the days she seems to know what’s going on

a strained relationship with a family member
the relationship we once enjoyed

opportunities lost
opportunities embraced

holidays “ruined”
belated celebrations with loved ones

Whatever you experience, there is always a negative OR a positive perspective. I’ll admit, I’m not all that good at taking the positive stance. Sometimes I choose to wallow in the negativity. It seems to take more effort to find the positive when presented with a circumstance that causes a negative feeling. However, I want to change that this year. I’m going to choose not to let my feelings or emotions dictate my perspective. In the long run, choosing to focus on the negativity of a situation hurts me more than anyone else OR it causes me to inflict hurt. Either way, it’s not a desirable outcome. What will you choose to nurture?

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love” (1 Corinthians 16:13, 14 NIV). If I choose to live out this scripture, I believe that choosing a positive perspective better equips me to “do everything in love”. If I pursue this attitude, I come closer to living Jesus’s commandment to “love [my] neighbor as [myself]” and that’s a win-win solution for me and for those in relationship with me.

I will choose to believe the best instead of assuming the worst — of others and of myself. I believe this shift in my mindset will naturally lead to a more positive frame of mind.

alarm clock with quote

In with the New

Hello, 2021! We throw open the door of time to welcome you. With anticipation, we look forward to all that a new year promises. New beginnings, new habits, new outlooks, new relationships, newness. Like the simple act of turning over the calendar can make everything better.

My dear sister, as you walk (or run) into 2021, I invite you to take responsibility. Your life is what you make it. Though the year may change, if you don’t, you may not experience the feeling of a life well lived. Things beyond your control will happen, that is a given. What is within your control is what you do when things happen that are outside of your control. How will you choose to view those things, what attitude will you adopt – one of positivity or one of negativity?

“Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.” (Proverbs 4:23 NCV)

Choose to Act

Dear Sister,

I want you to succeed. Move courageously forward. Believe you can do whatever you’re dreaming of doing. Be confident. Be creative. Be motivated. Take initiative. 

That big, audacious dream or goal that seems so far out of your reach? You can achieve it. It will take time, but if you will take baby steps continuously over this next year, you will make progress. 

Say good-bye to perfection and say hello to imperfect progress. This will take so much strain and stress off of you and free you up to try. I know you can accomplish more than you think you can. 

Make sure to spend time in prayer, asking Father God what you’re meant to do. Spend less time doing to fulfill your own agenda and more time being obedient. Father God will guide you moment by moment as you faithfully follow Him. Sometimes, the way may be difficult; those are the times you need to lean in to Him even more. 

The Lord has promised that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Remember that. When you feel alone, He is still there. “Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust Him, and He will help you” (Psalm 37:5 NLT). Father God loves you and so do I. We’re cheering you on! Now, go and fulfill your purpose!