Who am I?

LaKrisha smiling sitting on bench

I am LaKrisha.

I am a woman following God to live out His call in my life.

I am…
wife to David,
mother to Kiersten and Kaitlyn,
daughter, sister, friend,
Christian life coach,
teacher, writer, encourager, and
dog mom of Maggie and Susie.

I am many things to many people.

I am a “fatherless” daughter.
God is my only Father.

In 2004, I first learned about “Father God”. In 2005, I accepted that I was redeemed, and I became a new creation; my life was transformed. (You will read more about those experiences later.)

God ignited a spark in my heart for the “fatherless” daughters in 2006. I’ve led small Bible study groups of women to learn about how growing up “fatherless” affected them and the decisions they made. I’ve led youth Bible studies with the hope of showing young women that they can always rely on God, even when the men of their lives let them down. Because they will. Not because they’re bad people but because they are human. Only God will never let us down.

Woman sitting in church with text "A father to the fatherless... is God in his holy dwelling." Psalm 68:5

I’ve tried to find a way to reach the “fatherless” in person for years, but it’s hard. It’s hard because it’s a difficult topic to discuss. It’s hard because it’s painful. It’s hard because sometimes we don’t see the thing that drives us to make the choices we do. That’s how it is for me, anyway.

In 2019, I read a book that opened my eyes to fears that I didn’t recognize within myself, and my perspective shifted. I wanted to DO something, not just WISH I could do something. The seed planted then has grown into this blog to share my journey with you, “fatherless” daughter. Being a “fatherless” daughter myself, I can relate to the gamut of emotions you may experience in your day-to-day living and the effects of “fatherlessness”. It’s scary to put all this out there, but I know you need to read it.

I hope you’ll stick around for awhile. Parts of my story are distasteful, sad, humiliating, and frustrating; but, then, there are parts that are beautiful, happy, humble, and joyful. It’s all part of the tapestry of my life. I will peel back the layers of my experiences like the petals of a flower to show you the miracle God has done in my life. My desire is that my vulnerability will help you to open up those parts that you keep closed – even without realizing it – and you’ll see that our Father created you for a purpose and covered you in GRACE for that purpose.

I’ll introduce you to my family because all of our relationships are affected in some way by our past, therefore, you will be hearing about each of these people as we journey together. I married the love of my life, David, in 1997. He was enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and served twenty years before retirement. We’ve lived all over the southeastern United States, and we’ve traveled abroad a few times. Along the way, we’ve raised two beautiful daughters, Kiersten and Kaitlyn. They are mature and independent enough now that I can pursue this new journey that God has called me to — telling my redemption story.

My story is still unfolding; I am still becoming who I was created to be. So are you.

Thank you for joining me!

Your devoted Sister in Christ,

family photo - LaKrisha, Kiersten, Kaitlyn, David - in mountainous scenery by a lake
On one of our adventures