Are you a “fatherless” daughter?

Dear Sister,

Welcome! I invite you to come in and stay awhile. During our time together, I want to introduce you to my Father. He gave me life, and, although I can’t see Him, I see evidence of Him; He walks alongside me every moment of every day. I didn’t grow up knowing Him, though I caught glimpses of Him from time to time.

Helpful things to know about me as we begin this journey:

My mother was the “other” woman, and my biological father completely abandoned me when I was four-years-old. I don’t remember ever seeing him, but a few photographs exist to prove he visited me a time or two before he left saying, “The next time I come back, it will be to stay.” He never returned.

My mother worked hard to raise me alone; however, when I was eight, my Nanna came to live with us. She was an overbearing woman who criticized and ridiculed me as I grew up. She was my “other parent”.

I grew up practically an only child; my three siblings no longer lived at home by the time I came along. I never knew there was “supposed” to be a man… a husband… a father… present in our home.

As I matured, I began to sense something missing in my life. I didn’t know what. At fourteen, my mother married, and I began making reckless choices in my search for that absent thing. I was literally “looking for love in all the wrong places.” You’ll hear more about that as we get to know each other.

Right now, I’d like to introduce you to Father God. He is…



He’s everything my father figures never were … and so much more.

girl praying by a brick wall

You may feel “fatherless” if:

  • You, like me, were born outside of marriage.
  • You, like me, were raised in a single mother home.
  • Your parents were married but your father was distracted, unsupportive, abusive, neglectful, or died.
  • You feel shame for any reason because of a father figure (or lack thereof).
  • You were raised with the belief that God is only angry and punishes.

If you identify with any of these perspectives, I desire to give you hope that you can have a Father, to show you that you are loved beyond measure, and to help you journey towards God as Father.

Will you join me?

Your devoted Sister in Christ,

In case you missed it, you can read the details of my “fatherless” story here and here.